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Paper about Social Network Sites in Higher Education published in IETI


This week the Innovations in Education and Teaching International has finally published our paper titled: “Using social network sites in Higher Education: an experience in business studies” by José L. Arquero and Esteban Romero-Frías.


ARQUERO, J.L. & ROMERO-FRÍAS, E. (2013). “Using social network sites in Higher Education: an experience in business studies”. Innovations in Education and Teaching International. DOI:10.1080/14703297.2012.760772

Some information about the Journal:

  • Included in the ISI Journal Citation Reports.
  • Impact factor 2011: 0.794.

This is the abstract of the paper:

In the past 5 years, the impact of Web 2.0 in new generations has been remarkably significant. This paper reports on an experience in the use of social network sites (SNSs) to support student involvement with the subject and to develop basic skills. According to students’ opinion, the experience was deemed as positive. They considered that the experience contributed to a higher engagement with the subject and a deeper collaboration with other students and teaching staff. As a result, the majority of students would prefer the use of SNS as a first option if they had to enrol again in the subject. Regarding the relationships between academic performance and use of the SNS, two different student profiles were identified based on usage patterns of the platform. Students with a more intensive use of the site showed a significantly better performance than students with a low usage profile.

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Esteban Romero Frías

Catedrático de la Universidad de Granada. Vicerrector de Innovación Social, Empleabilidad y Emprendimiento. Innovando desde MediaLab UGR. Transformando desde ReDigital.