GrinUGR LASI-Local
Del 1 al 5 de julio de 2013 se lleva a cabo el Learning Analytics Summer Institute (LASI) 2013 en la Stanford University. Se trata de un encuentro de 5 días organizado por SoLAR y la Universidad de Stanford, con el apoyo de la International Educational Data Mining Society.El objetivo del mismo es que los asistentes se preparen para participar de forma activa en el área de Learning Analytics (LA), a través de sus actividades de docencia e investigación. LASI tiene dos objetivos principales:
- Construir el campo del LA a través de interacciones interdisciplinares, la identificación de necesidades de investigación y docencia, el avance en métodologías y la interconexión de investigadores que trabajan de forma aislada.
- Desarrollar las competencias y los conocimientos de académicos y estudiantes de doctorado, preparándolos para implicarse activamente en la docencia e investigación de LA.
Este evento presencial pretende actuar de motor en otras partes del mundo para reflexionar sobre estas cuestiones y generar comunidades de interesados con el objeto de alimentar el desarrollo de la disciplina. Es aquí donde surge la idea de los eventos locales de LASI, trabajando a partir de las conferencias que se emitan vía streaming o en vídeo grabado y realizando actividades parelelas de distinto tipo. El siguiente párrafo explica la idea:
“This is a week with a potentially global footprint, our hope being that Stanford will be just one node in a network of events. Lectures from Stanford will be live-streamed, enabling not just remote attendance, but regional Institutes and local events running in parallel. Currently there are events planned in Europe and Latin America, with others under consideration. Combine remote viewing of Stanford sessions with your own keynotes, agenda-setting workshops, hands-on tutorials and debates — whatever meets the needs of your context, with you feeding back to the network what’s unfolding in your part of the world. We anticipate these may cover the whole range from 100% online, to 50/50 blended, to 100% f-f. They may scale from nations/regions/states, to a small group in your institution translating the big ideas into practical implications. So think glocal, and think about the mix that will work for you and your community.”
En la Universidad de Granada, desde el GrinUGR, pretendemos organizar este evento de manera que desde nuestra comunidad local se valoren las posibilidades de trabajo en el área.
¿Qué es Learning Analytics?
“Learning Analytics (LA) as both a research topic and emerging marketplace has recently garnered the attention of faculty, educational researchers and administrators, policy makers, data scientists and learning technology entrepreneurs. Unprecedented quantity of, and access to, learner-generated data has opened up new opportunities, for instance, for researchers to better understand how learners learn, for educators to assess the impact of teaching activities and interventions, and for learners to receive personalized, real-time, automated support for their learning advancements.
Learning Analytics as a field is related to disciplines such as educational data mining, machine learning, various branches of psychology, learning sciences, psychometrics, and systems theory. LA aspires to integrate cognitive, social, pedagogical, technical, and organizational components to advance a holistic view of learners and the cognitive, social, organizational contributions to their learning processes. Cross-disciplinary research, publications, and specific documented socio-technical systems and their associated designs and algorithms are important for advancing these goals.”
Learning Analytics Summer Institute (LASI) 2013
Toda la información sobre el evento LASI 2013.
Alguna notas
The programme for LASI Stanford is taking shape. As you plan your events, you can assume that:
- Plenary sessions from mornings will be webcast, while afternoons are envisaged for workshops (not webcast)
- The replay of a webcast is available as soon as the live event is completed. You will be able to click on the same link as the live event to replay.
Ideas propuestas por otras sedes para la organización
“At the moment this means that we plan to organize two days of sessions in the SURF Academy format. Which entails that it will be organized for a broad audience from various universities, vocational universities and other involved parties throughout the country. The sessions will be a mix of (a recap of) streamed sessions from Stanford, local contributions of best practices, and group discussions. During and after this local event it is the organisation’s intention to create open educational resources of the learned lessons and exchanged expertise. This could potentially even lead to an online course on Learning Analytics applied to the dutch situation.”
Otras referencias
- Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR).
- Curso abierto online (11 febrero a 7 de abril de 2013): Learning Analytics and Knowledge.
- Journal of Learning Analytics: the official publication of the Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR).