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A view on Digital Humanities and Social Sciences (presentation)

This is the presentation I gave at the eHumanities Group (Amsterdam) on March 13th 2014: «GrinUGR – Co-Laboratory on Digital Cultures in Social Sciences and Humanities. A view on Digital Humanities and Social Sciences».

I’d like to thank Sally, Andrea, Jeannette and Anja for the warn welcome and wonderful days in Amsterdam where I got the chance to connect with new researchers and to share exciting ideas. Nothing better than a notebook full of references to explore.



GrinUGR (http://grinugr.org/; @grinugr) is defined as a Co-Laboratory on Digital Cultures in Social Sciences and Humanities. GrinUGR was created after the experience that Esteban Romero-Frías had in 2010 visiting the Virtual Knowledge Studio in Amsterdam. GrinUGR has a hybrid identity: not being part of the formal structure of the University of Granada but being able of generating projects and getting people together.

The presentation has two parts. Firstly, Esteban will explain the experience of creating this group: problems, challenges, projects, etc. Among the main projects already developed is worth mentioning:

Secondly, he will present the «Atlas of Digital Humanities and Social Sciences in Spanish and Portuguese» (http://atlascshd.org), a project that aims to give visibility to the Spanish and Portuguese speaking community of digital scholars.


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Esteban Romero Frías

Catedrático de la Universidad de Granada. Vicerrector de Innovación Social, Empleabilidad y Emprendimiento. Innovando desde MediaLab UGR. Transformando desde ReDigital.