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Compilation of centers and research groups working on interdisciplinary approaches to Internet

This is tentative compilation of centers and research groups working on interdisciplinary approaches to Internet, Society, Culture, Education and Technology. I also published this list in the wiki of the GrinUGR (Group of Internet Research and Learning) to allow people to add or edit it. My idea is to create a page in this wiki to include basic information about each of these institutions. Please feel free to contribute in English, Spanish or in any other language. Some references were taken from the list published in 2008 by William Dutton at the Oxford Internet Institute.

  • Barabási Lab (link to website) at Center for Complex Networks Research at Northeastern University.
  • Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University (link to website). Members: Urs Gasser (Executive Director; @ugasser).
  • Berglund Center for Internet Studies (link to website; @BCISpacificu) at Pacific University, Oregon, USA. The Center facilitates both theoretical discussion and practical action relating to the impact of the Internet upon individuals and their communities worldwide. They study the effects of the Internet on the ways we work, communicate, teach, and learn.
  • Center for Advanced Studies and Research in Information and Communication Technologies & Society (ICT&S) (link to website) at University of Salzburg (Austria).
  • Center for Advanced Study of Communities and Information (CASCI) (link to website) at University of Maryland. CASCI is a multi-disciplinary research center intent on understanding and transforming community interactions. We are particularly interested in examining how novel information technologies can be harnessed to support the needs of real and virtual communities and social networks.
  • Center for Complex Networks Research (CNetS) (link to website) at the School of Informatics and Computing and the Pervasive Technology Institute of Indiana University.
  • Center for Internet and Society (CIS) (link to website; @stanfordcis) at Stanford Law School, Stanford University (USA).
  • Center for Internet Research and Media Integration (CIM) (link to website) at Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich (Germany). The CIM is a joint initiative of the disciplines business studies, communication studies and computer science. The objective is the support of interdisciplinary research and teaching at the LMU Munich for the use of digital media in public and private communication.
  • Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society (CITRIS) (link to website) at College of Engineering, University of California (USA). CITRIS creates IT solutions for our most pressing social, environmental, and health care problems
  • Center for Research on Information Technology and Organizations (CRITO) (link to website) at University of California, Irvine (USA).
  • Center for Technology & Information Policy (CTIP) (link to website) at Syracusa University (USA).
  • Center for Technology in Government (link to website) at University at Albany (USA).
  • Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Emerging Technologies (CITE) (link to website) at University of Montreal (Canada).
  • Centre for Material Digital Culture (link to website) at University of Sussex (UK).
  • Centre for Research and Interdisciplinarity (link to website); center attached to the Universities Paris 5 and Paris 7, Paris. Members: François Taddei (director; @francoistaddei).
  • Centre for Society, Technology and the Media (STeM) (link to website) at the School of Communication at the Dublin City University (Ireland). The STeM is a multidisciplinary research centre focused on the changing interfaces between society, technology and information. It addresses socio-economic, cultural and policy aspects of digital media, new ICT and the information society.
  • Columbia Institute for Tele-Information (CITI) (link to website) at Columbia University (USA). The Columbia Institute for Tele-Information (CITI) is a university-based research center focused on strategy, management, and policy issues in telecommunications, computing, and electronic mass media.
  • Crassh (link to website) at Cambrigde University (UK).
  • CulturePlex. Cultural Complexity and Digital Humanities (link to website) at University of Western Ontario (UWO), Canada. Members: Juan Luis Suárez (director; @suarez_juanluis).
  • Digital Culture & Communication (DCC) (link to website); ECREA Digital Culture & Communication (DCC) section, Humanities Department and Information and Communication Sciences Department at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Spain).
  • Digital Humanities @ Oxford (link to website; @dh_Oxford).
  • Digital Infrastructures (link to website) at The London School of Economics and Political Science, Department of Management, The Information Systems and Innovation Group.
  • Digital World Research Centre (DWRC) (link to website) at University of Surrey (UK). The DWRC aims to develop and apply a process of user-centred innovation in digital media technology, based on the interplay of user, design, business and technology research. We also strive to apply this technology for social benefit through various forms of inclusive research and design.
  • Future Lab: innovation in education (link to website) at . Futurelab is an independent not-for-profit organisation committed to developing creative and innovative approaches to education, teaching and learning. We achieve this through a mixture of research, events, school development and resources across the UK and internationally.
  • Information Policy and Access Center (IPAC) (link to website) at University of Maryland (USA). The iPAC is a research and education facility that explores social, policy, and technology aspects of information access and use across cultural institutions, government agencies, and other information-based organizations; communities; and populations.
  • Information Society Project (link to website) at Yale Law School (USA). It is an intellectual center addressing the implications of the Internet and new information technologies for law and society, guided by the values of democracy, development, and civil liberties.
  • Information Systems and Innovation Group (link to website; @lseisig) at Department of Management, London School of Economics (UK).
  • INRIA, the French National Institute for Research on IT (link to website).
  • Institute for Internet and Society (Berlin) (link to website; more info).
  • Institute for Internet Studies (link to website) at Tel Aviv University.
  • Institute for Science, Innovation and Society (InSIS) (link to website) at James Martin Institute for Science and Civilization (JMI), Said Business School, University of Oxford (UK).
  • Institute for the Study of Science, Technology and Innovation (ISSTI) (link to website) at Research Centre for Social Science, School of Social and Political Studies, University of Edinburgh (UK). The ISSTI has been formed to bring together the interdisciplinary network of researchers working in Science, Technology and Innovation.
  • International Computer Science Institute (ICSI) (link to website) at University of California at Berkeley (USA).
  • Internet Centre (link to website) at Imperial College, London (UK). It focuses on Internet applications and technology, but also conducts research on economic, social and legal issues.
  • Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3) (link to website) at the Open University of Catalonia (Spain).
  • e-Horizons Project (link to website) at University of Oxford (UK). a virtual centre linking the Oxford Internet Institute and the Oxford e-Research Centre (OeRC) at the University of Oxford. The focus of the e-Horizons Project was to critically assess competing visions of the future of media, information and communication technologies and their societal implications. The project’s key strategy was to examine leading-edge developments in the use of information and communication technologies in the sciences and humanities as a window on the future of technology in everyday life.
  • e-Humanities Group (link to website). Former Virtual Knowledge Studio (Amsterdam).
  • Manchester eResearch Centre (MeRC) (link to website) at University of Manchester (UK).
  • Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH) (link to website). The MITH is a collaboration of the University of Maryland’s College of Arts and Humanities, Libraries and Office of Information Technology. MITH is the University’s primary intellectual hub for scholars and practitioners of digital humanities, electronic literature and cyberculture, as well as the home of the Electronic Literature Organization, the most prominent international group devoted to the writing, publishing and reading of electronic literature.
  • Media Art Technologies (link to website) at Queen Mary, University of London (UK).
  • MediaLab Prado Madrid (link to website; @medialabprado).
  • Media@LSE (link to website) at Media and Communication Department, London School of Economics (UK). It undertakes research at the interface between social and technological change, seeking a critical and contextual understanding of the dynamics of the emerging digital world.
  • MIT Media Lab (link to website; @medialab) at MIT (USA). Member: Joi Ito (director; @joi).
  • Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIAS) (link to website) at Wassenaar (The Netherlands).
  • NEXA Center for Internet &Society at PoliTo (link to website) at Dipartimento di Automatica e Informatica del Politecnico di Torino (Italy). Members: Juan Carlos de Martin (co-director; @demartin).
  • New Media Studies (link to website), Master New Media & Digital Culture at Utrecht University (The Netherlands)
  • Oxford e-Research Centre (OeRC) (link to website) at Oxford University Computer Laboratory, Oxford University (UK).
  • Oxford Internet Institute (link to website; @oiioxford), Oxford (UK).
  • Program on Emerging Technologies (PoET) (link to website) at MIT (USA).
  • Resource Center for Cyberculture Studies (RCCS) (link to website), at the University of San Francisco (USA). The RCCS is an online, not-for-profit organization whose purpose is to research, teach, support, and create diverse and dynamic elements of cyberculture.
  • Sagy Center for Internet Research (InfoSoc) (link to website) at Haifa University (Israel). The Center is an interdisciplinary forum of researchers and advanced graduate scholars. It is a home to academics from various disciplines (computer science, history, communications, business, law, psychology, sociology, etc.).
  • Samuelson Law, Technology and Public Policy Clinic (link to website) at School of Law, University of California, Berkeley (USA).
  • Sarai (link to website) at Delhi (India). Sarai is a programme of the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies,one of India’s leading research institutes with a commitment to critical and dissenting thought and a focus on critically expanding the horizons of the discourse on development, particularly with reference to South Asia. Sarai researches the urban experience, the city, the publics and practice of (old & new) media, «information and society», free & open source software, language and digital cultures and the interface between urban transformation, contemporary culture, and development.
  • Science and Technology Studies Unit (SATSU) (link to website). SATSU is an internationally recognised social science research centre exploring the dynamics, practices, and possibilities of contemporary science and technology.
  • Singapore Internet Research Center (link to website) at School of Communication and Information, Nanyang Technological University.
  • Statistical Cybermetrics Research Group (link to website) at the University of Wolverhampton (UK). It is an information science research group developing software and methods to exploit Internet-based sources for social sciences research. They research in scientometrics, link analysis, cybermetrics, webometrics, web science and sentiment analysis. Members: Mike Thelwall (director).
  • Technology and Social Change Group (link to website; @taschagroup) at Information School, University of Washington (USA).
  • UCL Centre for Digital Humanities (link to website; @UCLDH) at University College London (UK).
  • Web Science Research Initiative (WSRI) (link to website; @websciencetrust). The WSRI is a collaboration of the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) at MIT and the School of Electronics and Computer Science (ECS) at the University of Southampton.
  • World Internet Institute (WII) (link to website) at Sweden. A partner in the World Internet Project.

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Esteban Romero Frías

Catedrático de la Universidad de Granada. Vicerrector de Innovación Social, Empleabilidad y Emprendimiento. Innovando desde MediaLab UGR. Transformando desde ReDigital.