This week the Journal
ROMERO-FRÍAS, E. & VAUGHAN, L. (accepted in 2011, in press). «Exploring the Relationships between Media and Political Parties through Web Hyperlink Analysis: the Case of Spain». Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology.
Some information about the Journal:
- Included in the ISI Journal Citation Reports.
- Impact factor 2011: 2.137.
- Areas: Information Science & Library, position 11 out of 76; & Computer Science Information Systems, position 20 out of 126. Online ISSN: 1532-2890].
This is the abstract of the paper:
The study focuses on the Web presence of the main Spanish media and seeks to determine whether hyperlink analysis of media and political parties can provide insight into their political orientation. The research included all major national media and political parties in Spain. Inlink and co-link data about these organizations were collected and analyzed using multidimensional scaling (MDS) and other statistical methods. In the MDS map, media are clustered based on their political orientation. There are significantly more co-links between media and parties with the same political orientation than there are between those with different political orientations. Findings from the study suggest the potential of using link analysis to gain new insights into the interactions among media and political parties.
According to the Open Access policy of the journal, I include the following notice regarding the publication of the abstract above: This is a preprint of an article accepted for publication in Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology copyright (C) [2011] (American Society for Information Science and Technology).